I created these videos with you in mind.

May they support you on your healing journey.

If you’d like to access more of my free resources, you can subscribe to my here.

Did you like these practices?
Was there one you favoured in particular?
Is there anything you’d like to see more of?
Please let me know at michellenewlands@gmail.com

If you’d like, you can watch this video to learn a little more about me, my approach, and the free resources that I share.

All of this content is available on my Youtube channel, which is why I speak to that online space at the beginning of the video.

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If you’re interested in accessing more of my free resources, and want to hear more about what they are before being redirected to my youtube channel, you can watch this video.

This video includes a 15 minute orientation & mindfulness practices that utilities the breath as a way to quiet our mind and shift our focus to the sensations in our body and the details of our environment. By doing so, we pull our attention out of the past or the future (these are the places where worry lives), and brings our awareness into the here and now.